Ability to CC/BCC contacts on JO outreach

  • 14 September 2015
  • 44 replies

I've heard a few customers ask about the possibility to CC or BCC internal contacts on a JO outreach. The CC/BCC could be a specific email address, or a dynamic field (e.g. the CSM for the account). This could be used for internal notifications when a campaign takes place.

44 replies

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Hey All,

I know that we now have the ability to send a copy of the email outreach to a CSM, which is an awesome start here, but I'm wondering if we might expect a true cc/bcc functionality in the near future?

What I mean by that is, let's say we send a copy of the email to the CSM using the functionality we have now, the CSM gets the email but it's not an actual email thread, so you can't have any back and forth between CSM and user.

Is there any plan to have a cc/bcc function that we can actually use to start a thread with a customer after the initial outreach send?


Userlevel 6
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This last use-case feels a lot like the emails I get from GoToWebinar where it says "This follow-up email was sent to 10 attendees, and here's what they got..." vs. copying me individually on each of the 10 emails. Am I close?
Userlevel 7
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I'm going to pile onto this one. The ability to put multiple stakeholders (the customer, the CSM and others) onto the same thread using the cc: field (and not the "Email a copy to" function) would be a robust step forward and enhance our use of CoPilot.
Userlevel 5
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Has there been any thought or is it even possible to create an actual CC in Copilot? I had a customer with a specific use case where they wanted their CSM to be CC'd on the email and not just get a copy.

In this instance they were notifying the customer that their CSM had been cc'd on the email.

Or was this just a product decision to prevent the email logs data from getting counted by the cc'd users?


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Any update on this? We are continuing to run into the following issue:

We have a new customer that is implementing our solution. They have purchased 5 licenses for our product and each person with a license is added to the project. We would like each of them to recieve onboarding communications around project status, training availability, etc. Currently, we are not able to do so because we can only select 1 field as the recipient. We have attempted to create 'customer fields' within Programs but because not all customers have 5 contacts, the logic fails if one of the fields is blank.

Any suggestions on how to work around this?

We also have a business need for a true CC.

Use-case: co-pilot is sending an automated email (triggered off a closed won new customer opportunity) from the account executive which intro's the post-sales team (as a cc) to the customer.

While open rates are great to track -- I would sacrifice that in favor or connecting the two teams in an effective manner.

Our use case is onboarding emails.

We want to be able to send the team leader as TO (email on account object), and the rest of the account's contacts as CC, with salutation like "Hi Joe and Team ACME!"

That feels a bit more natural and less "spammy" - all the team members get the same email and not multiple copies of the same one.

Make sense?

Userlevel 5
Hey Chris,

This is shipped last week, you can add a Email copy to and send it to a Specific email address or a dynamic fields. One difference between Bcc and Email copy is that Email copy is sent to CSM / email address filled in the <To:> field unlike Bcc where the <To:> address is the actual recipient. This is done to avoid the stats of open and clicked by the CSM getting added to overall stats of outreach. Try this feature out and let me know the feedback.

Userlevel 6
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Jumping in here. We have a use case where we would like to send an email and CC the sales rep on the email. This way when the Sales Rep replies it stays on the same email thread instead of possibly creating a new one.
Userlevel 6
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Hi Dan, I believe the expected behavior would be that they would receive one email. I think the disconnect is that a Powerlist Outreach for 100 people actually sends 100 emails. Not one where a single person is BCC'd
Same here, adding my vote to this. It's a necessary feature for an enterprise level product.
I am adding my vote to this ask as well. The CSM team needs to see a copy of what is sent to their customers, but does not want to receive a 1:1 copy for every contact that receives it (many hundreds in most cases).
Happy to inform you all that we are going to release this feature soon. Stay posted!

Userlevel 7
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Yes, Manu, that's exactly what I'm thinking.
Is there a timeline on when true cc and bcc functionality will exist in CoPilot.  One requirement here is the ability to cc more than one person.

Use Case

- To: is POC

- cc: is Sponsor and Billing contact.

- bcc: is Partner
We also have a use case for this. We have a notification we send to an 'Administrator,' but we'd like to be able to cc: someone with another role on the account. This would be externally facing and we'd need to use criteria to identify the correct contact. Would that be a possibility?

Hi, can we make the cc list dynamic. My use case is we want to loop the CSM in on emails sent out to their manager. We need this field be dynamically picked based on who the CSM is on the account.

Hi Sundar, just to make sure I understand the difference btw bcc and copy

if <To:> field is filled for Email copy, on the email to the client contact, it will show the CSM as cc-ed (?). Will CSM receive the actual email then? 

if <To:> field is filled for bcc, the client contact would certainly not see it. But the CSM then will receive a copy and their click to open will not be counted in the analytics. 

Am my understanding correct? 
Userlevel 5
If you set the Email Copy field in copilot, It will not show that the CSM is Cc-ed, but the CSM will receive a copy of actual email with the an extra line saying who received the email and this will not affect the analytics.

We do not have an implementation of Bcc yet in copilot.

Does this address your question?
Hello - What happens if you have a null cc: field? Will it still send to the client and just not cc: who is specified? 

Here's my use case: Need to send a client communication on behalf of an Account Manager, but want to copy an Account Executive. If I don't have an Account Executive listed for the account (which is sometimes the case), will the client still receive the email, but the AE won't?
Userlevel 5
Hey Katie - The emails will not be sent to that client since the AE field is null. This is controlled be the flag "Don't send email when one of the token is empty / null" and I assume you keep this checked.
Another option that would work well for us is having multiple contacts in the To: Field.
The addition of cc is critical for most business emails and Gainsight needs to put this function into their roadmap.
Userlevel 7
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+1 on the request / use case for a true CC on CoPilot emails. Just came up today on a call with a Gainsight admin. 
Bumping this request up to see if there are any updates for this function on the roadmap.
