
Downloadable CSM Account-Specific Planning Template

  • 14 December 2016
  • 10 replies

Does anyone have a downloadable word template that a Customer Success Manager could use to plan for account level Customer Success on an annual or quarterly basis?

10 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi Michael, were you thinking of something along the lines of an Executive Business Review template or something different?
Userlevel 7
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There is also the Success Plan feature in Gainsight to use for strategic planning.  More context would help.
Thx Dan and Jeff, I am looking for template that a new CSM would use to plan CS activities at an account level not a quarterly review or executive review template, ideally a word doc, makes sense?
Userlevel 7
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Before we had Gainsight, we used to use an unsophisticated spreadsheet template similar to below, but ever since they implemented the Success Plan feature in the tool, that's what we use now.

Userlevel 7
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Michael - what we do at Gainsight is use Success Plan templates which have all the lifecycle tasks and objectives for the first year for a new customer. All we have to do is apply the template and the account plan is created automatically. 

This link has more info on how to do that:
Hi Dan,

I just tried to get to this link and was sent to a "Page not Found" error message. Do you have an updated link by chance?

Thank you! 
Userlevel 7
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Hi Sara. We updated our online help site last month and some of the links didn't redirect properly. 

I think these two articles will cover what you need:

Thank you, this is great! Do you also have example templates that you share with folks that are just starting out with SP in GS?
Also - I don't know if you can help redirect this also, but when I click on "Gainsight Webinars" to the right from this page: ( I also receive an error message that the page is no longer valid.

Thank you,

Userlevel 7
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Hi Sara. It looks like that community link is not forwarding correctly. Here is the link to our webinars page:
