US Admin Office Hours (Tuesday session) - 7/28/20 1 p.m. PST - Pre-session Thread

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hello everyone! This thread is for our Tuesday Admin Office Hours session, which will be held Tuesday, July 28, 2020. Submit your questions below as replies to this post, and we'll address them during our session at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET.

Please note we are using a new conference line. Details are below. There is no need to register for the sessions. If you have a question, please post below or join the meeting. I will go in order of posts below or joining the session. Thanks!

Conference Details (Zoom): 

Join Zoom Meeting

ID: 93972497920
Password: F7msaSQ3


‪(US) +1 877-853-5257‬

‪(IN) +91 0008000401530‬

10 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Yay, i’m first!!  I want to create a report that highlights the Gainsight activity by CSM and then acknowledges the leaders in each timeline category,


Userlevel 6
Badge +3

I have a dashboard incorrectly reporting CTOR for emails - generated from a data design dataspace, that I’m not sure how to correct based on the fields created. Would like to review. 

Hello - we are looking to add Campaign responses from SFDC to the C360. This shows all the interactions a cusotmers has with our company from the content they download to the Webinars they attend. We built a report using Campaign Members as the source and pulled in the company, user name, campaign name and status into the report. We’d like to display this data on the C360.Thanks! 

Badge +1

Hey Spencer, would love to get your advice on a product usage MDA object I’m populating from S3. Thanks!

Badge +2

Hey Spencer! I have a scorecard question


Question on adding a single participant into a JO program when certain CTA’s are created 

I’d like to double check a rule that is intended to create a CTA if a timeline activity hasn’t been posted within 10 or so days of the beginning of the month for clients with an upcoming renewal. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

JO - participant failing to get into participant list after previous status of “dropped” or “system error” and not being sent any subsequent emails with syncs after the initial error


Hey Spencer, per your email, looking for help with the rule failure for the Snap Shot rule you helped us build...thanks


Hi Spencer, I have a high level question on JO programs and unsubscribing. Thanks!
