Need a way to manage user subscription preferences to comply with GDRP, CCPA, CAN-SPAM, etc. requests

Related products: PX Admin & Security

We would like to have a better way to manage user subscription preferences to comply with GDRP, CCPA, CAN-SPAM, etc. requests to prevent users from receiving any more PX engagements (emails + in-app engagements) and/or remove users from PX altogether. Currently, we have to manually go into every engagement and prevent a user from receiving them, which is not realistically scalable or a good use of our time. In Mail Chimp and other apps, you can change a user’s subscription status as an admin, but PX has no way to do that. Please consider creating this functionality.

@kmalk We did add new User Preferences support to our REST API in our latest release, which seems to be pretty close to your request above.  There are more improvements to this new feature coming soon as well, so your continued feedback is important.  Thank you!


Thanks, @link_black. I’ll run this by our developers. We’d love for you all to add these options into the UI, especially the ability for an admin to manually subscribe/unsubscribe a user from receiving email engagements (that’s the most common request we get by far).