
Does anyone have questions on Bionic rules ?

Userlevel 7
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Does anyone have questions on Bionic rules, please share them with us.We will add them as part of the documentation and share them with you.

12 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi Sai,

Can you shed some like on why there is a limit to how many tasks you can put in a Bionic rule?

I was creating a rule to push usage data into MDA instead of SFDC, and I hit this limitation. I was able to work around it, but if we want to add another metric into Usage I would need to create a new rule.
Are bionic rule data sets supposed to be done in a certain order so they work correctly?  Does doing Data Sets in any order impact results success?
Userlevel 7
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Lane, you can create 15 tasks in a Bionic Rule.
We do run the tasks in a single bionic rule in parallel if their dependencies are solved. 

For eg: If you have 2 fetch tasks, 2 independent transform tasks and 1 merge tasks.

We run the 2 fetch tasks independently. The dependent transform task is started when its parent fetch task is finished. At last when both transform tasks if used in merge task, then merge task will only start after its parent tasks are over.

So good news is if you are using a bionic rule, you do not have to worry on ordering the tasks. We take care of the dependency of the tasks inside the bionic rule 
Userlevel 7
Badge +5
Hi Sai! 

Yes, however, I hit that limit with our usage rule. 
Hi Sai, why does bionic rule export dump empty date values as ,"", (string) instead of ,,? Are there any settings on this?
An export from a bionic rules is done as a csv file or a tsv file. 

CSV Files just understand two kinds of data, either the data in the cell is a text value or numeric value. CSV represents any text value enclosed in quotes (either single or double based on the data patterns). Anything which is not enclosed in quotes is assumed as null or numeric. 

To represent a date (which essentially is a text value with date context), it needs to be wrapped in quotes. 

CSV does not allow us to provide the context as date as it treats it as any other text value. 

This approach lets the readers such as MS Excel or OpenOffice read the values for the cells in the sheet based on field delimiter and quote char for field enclosing. 


Lane, can you please reach us through a support ticket. We would like to understand the problem you are trying to solve and help you with the limits you are hitting. 
Thank you very much, Nitin! Excel does work well for this purpose. For analytics needs we export CSV files directly from S3 bucket to our internal DB and had to make work arounds to push data smoothly. The problem with dates was solved, so all is good now.
Userlevel 7
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Thanks Nitin! I submitted a ticket yesterday.
Hi Lane, We will communicate over the ticket. 

We are reviewing the rule you created so that we understand and do the needful accordingly. 

We are planning to increase the task limit from 15 to 20. Also, in the long run, we plan to support merging of more than 2 dataset tasks that should further reduce the need to have more tasks in a rule.


