
Best practice for weekly update roundup from CSMs to management

I'm curious to know how others here execute a weekly update from all CSMs on customer status to management/company. 

Right now, we have a dashboard based off of scorecards that shows customer name, account manager, CSM, renewal date, % users active in product, health score and comments section. 

Our process is to ask our CSMs to update the comments section every Thursday with health status comments and key next steps on deck with the customer. 

Our director exports this report then sends to entire company in his weekly email.

What do others do for this? Understand this is a broad question, but I'm overall curious how others manage rolling up customer details from CSM to management on a weekly basis in gainsight. I'm not positive solely relying on the comments section is the best way to go. 

2 replies

Hey Jackie!

I would recommend using Timeline for this type of management visibility.  Not only is Timeline reportable as you are currently using Comments, also provides history as the comments field is overwritten.  

In addition, you can create custom meta-data on your timeline entry type that would allow for flagging to appropriate levels of management for risk escalation.

Let me know if you'd like to see this in action?  Thanks!

Userlevel 7
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Hi Jackie,

Thanks for sharing a great question! I added your post to some additional categories to increase its visibility, so hopefully we'll hear from some other members. I also wanted to point out we have a number of dashboard tutorials, including some that focus on helping management understand the CSM team's workload and progress.
