Have Data Designer Dependencies Sync with Data Management

Related products: CS Data Management & Integrations

This feels like a bug to me and may still get a ticket going for it but here’s the story:


As an admin, I want to be able to rely on Dependency verification in Data Management so that if I need to expunge, document, etc., a field from/in my instance I can easily identify ALL locations where that field is used in order to do so.



I search for Company>FieldA in Data management for dependencies. I get a list of dependencies including a handful of Data Designer objects as well as 2 reports. Two reports seems suspiciously low considering that this field is linked to more Data Designer objects than that.

I pull up Data Design 1, and run a dependency check on FieldA (which remember was originally derived at some point from Company>FieldA), and low and behold there are thirteen reports that use this field!!!


Strictly speaking, it is a different object with a field by the same name, but in that DD it was from Base Object>Company Lookup>FieldA. The same field I looked for moments earlier.


This gives me major trust issues as now I wonder under what other conditions I need to be looking in other places to make sure I get all the dependencies (Scorecard reports of course don’t show up as dependencies anywhere (VOTE HERE), nor do dashboard filters (VOTE HERE)). It also means I have to go into each Data Designer object and pull up a dependency list and add those to my list as well. I can also see this being excruciatingly unintuitive for a new admin, who may miss this and end up with a bad time, or a worse time really.


As a result, I have to dedicate inordinate amounts of time for what should be a relatively simple task of identifying usage. Analyzer was even more laughably inadequate to the task.



Have Data Management identify all actual dependencies of fields, please and thank you.



I can’t upvote this enough!!! 
Would love to see this happen!

I think this is working now

I think this is working now

Big if true