[1] Complete your profile

  • 9 December 2021
  • 6 replies
[1] Complete your profile
Userlevel 7
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Hello, glad you registered! Hope it was quick n easy?

Step 1 of your journey really is to have a completed profile so that others know who you are, (and you know them too) and what kind of opportunities could you help fill in 🤓

  • A recent profile picture of yourself: Quadruples the recall index in a knowledge community to have a face against a username.
  • A filled out About Me section: Intro yourself, your skills, experience, hobbies, anything that adds to your current role and personality. Even share your LinkedIn (we now have a field for that).
  • Location: It’s key to understand which part of the world you are from, timezone, etc.

Thx @almaramos for making it easy for me to illustrate here 👍 

Now that you have a profile pic and the formal bits in, why dont you say hi to the community on this intro-thread? :)

6 replies

Userlevel 7
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Welcome to the community my friend @Alistair FIeld! 🙏 

Looking fwd for your intro, after this step [1]


Userlevel 7
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Travel changes you” they say… that certainly is the case after my trip to the hills, @Cornelia helped me expand my username from andutta to my full name, no space, all small letters, and a new profile pic. 🤠

I realized I was hard to spot given my abbreviated name for tagging… only the very engaged @bradley , @darkknight and @gunjanm would do successfully :)

So @ mention @anirbandutta the Community Manager from hence.

P.S. there’s also my humble test user identity with the same name but, you’ll know not to tag it when you don't get a response from that ;)

Userlevel 7
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Oh, Btw @bradley, would you like to have your username updated to lose the ‘mcg’; I’m proofpoint that username updates don't break anything :D  

Userlevel 7
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Oh, Btw @bradley, would you like to have your username updated to lose the ‘mcg’; I’m proofpoint that username updates don't break anything :D  

Maybe at some point. For now, if anyone asks I’ll just tell them it stands for Mega Cool Guy :p

Userlevel 7
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Maybe at some point. For now, if anyone asks I’ll just tell them it stands for Mega Cool Guy :p

😎 and that’s totally Legit! 

Userlevel 7
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@alejandra.guillen welcome to the community! You’d have an interesting profile, experiences when you’ve filled it out, given the awesome work you do to broadcast Gainsight programs from across the spectrum.

Next, do you want to pop in and say hello? :) 
