Is looker a supported integration?

  • 24 October 2016
  • 7 replies

Hi - Interested in Looker as an integration. Is this currently supported? If so, anyone have experience they can share? Thanks!

7 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +1
Don't believe there is a direct way of sending data over to Looker for analytics. Might be cumbersome, but you could try exporting from the report builder and then uploading to Looker. Any specific data table(s) you are targeting?
Userlevel 6
Badge +5

I’m hearing more and more the request to surface Looker reports in Gainsight. Is there an update on this functionality?

Badge +1

Checking on this. Would love an integration with Looker.

Badge +2

We would also benefit from a two way integration with Looker.

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

@lane_h to show Looker reports in Gainsight you could embed the reports in C360 and Dashboards

Badge +5

I recently had this request come through. @sam_buddery can you share how you do this?
@manu_mittal can you share if this would be something we could do in the future with Gainsight?

Hi! I was wondering if there was any update on how to do this via the 360? @sam_buddery  or @Paulina


I tried used the embed but am getting an issue and wondering if its potentially an authentication issue on the looker side of it.

