Migrating NPS results to Survey2.0

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We have our previous Q1 and Q2 NPS survey results uploaded via an excel sheet within NPS section. Those surveys were not created within GS.

The new NPS was generated using GS Survey 2.0 functionality and we are tracking the results successfully within NPS 2.0 and have also enabled the results within C360.

How can we move the previous quarter survey results into NPS 2.0 ? This will help in our analysis comparing the results for the previous quartera as well.

I was going through the documentation available here : https://support.gainsight.com/Surveys/Surveys_2.0/Migrating_Surveys_1.0_to_2.0 but this mentions about migrating surveys created within GS.

Thoughts ?

Hi Sainyam,

We are already building a functionality to import third party NPS (NPS surveys done outside Gainsight). It will be available by March. Using this functionality, one would be able to bring the Thrid party NPS data to GS and view the results in the NPS analytics page.

Please let me know if you have any questions on this functionality.


Thanks Piyush for the reply.

I guess , I should have been more clear on this.

We already have previous NPS results loaded into Gainsight but they are currently residing in NPS (not NPS 2.0).

We just sent out our new NPS using Gainsight Survey 2.0 functionality and seeing the results being captured within NPS 2.0

We will be using this GS functionality, going forward, to create all surveys (survey 2.0) and capturing the results.

Will the new feature(that you are referring to) help in migrating NPS data to NPS 2.0 ? Or is there another way we can do this gainsight ?

Our end goal is to have all NPS data displayed within one Dashboard (maybe bunch of visuals together)and compare quaterly results.

Thanks for the clarification.

We have a migration utility that brings the survey content from 1.0 to 2.0 though it doesn't brings the NPS imported from thrid party in 1.0 to 2.0. I have added this in our short term roadmap and I'll able to provide a timeline for this in a couple of days.

Thanks for sharing your concern!

any update on this functionality?  we are about to enable NPS in GS and have years of prior NPS that was data loaded into Survey 1.0. How can we merge the two?

If these NPS responses were loaded from external source (CSV), then we do have a OOTB solution that caters this need. For more details refer to Migrate External NPS Responses from Survey 1.0 to NPS 2.0 documentation.

Hope this helps.