Modify Advanced Outreach query after it is published?

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Right now in regards to the participant query in an Advanced Outreach, you can only modify the schedule. It would be awesome if you could tweak the query as well.
In addition - I understand adding the ability to map new fields may be challenging but at least being able to modify the show fields and filters would be huge!
it seems like you can't edit much once an AO is published.  We need to edit a Create CTA step because the Include in Identifiers box needs to be checked.  But we apparently can't edit it.  So we have to clone this AO just to make this simple edit.

I hope to see some significant improvements to AO in the near future.
It would be awesome if you could tweak everything in an AO without having to effectively end it and start a new one. 
+1 to this. We have our onboarding email campaigns still on outreaches. I'd like to move those to Programs.

It would be nice to have everything within a single program, but it will be a pain to create a new one anytime that I have to make an update to the target contact list. Creating a new program also will mean that the new program only shows the data from that point onward. One big advantage of programs in general is the out of the box reporting tied to the program.

Agree John. We do plan to address this in the short term roadmap. We will update here once we have clarity on the timeline.