Create a Timeline task type in Playbooks

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I really like the timeline and the way it has been evolving, especially now with the new Timeline tab that provides a holistic view of timeline entries.

Logging a Timeline entry via CTA feels like it could be streamlined somewhat, because when you trigger a CTA for an EBR, as an example, the CTA entry itself is the tracker for the EBR activity - so flipping over to the Timeline tab (in the CTA), clicking Log a Meeting/Update, entering your title, notes, etc and saving it there - then going back to the Task and closing it out, feels like too many extra clicks (and every click counts!)

Also you'll have those CSMs who, even if in the task we tell them to log a CTA Timeline entry will still go through the C360 timeline which then detaches it from the CTA.

There is a great suggestion in the community already regarding Activity templates that have some pre-populated fields depending on the activity, but I would like to suggest taking it one step farther and creating a new "Timeline" Task Type in Playbooks specifically for activities.  Then the Activity fields would be embedded in the Task directly - Subject pre-populated, Activity Date pre-populated (but editable), etc.  Then when the task auto-saves, it would automatically be sync'd to Timeline.  Saving a few extra clicks for the end user - as well.


I would also like to reiterate the need to prevent "Add Task" from adding tasks to the current CTA, instead have those be created as a new CTA.
Thanks for a very interesting idea, Jeff. We will definitely think more in this direction and optimize the CTA-Timeline integration to minimize the number of clicks.

Our CSMs sure are complaining about the time it takes to create Timeline entries through the CTA. It sure would be nice see improvements to expedite efficiency in this area.

This would be AWESOME.

Is there any update on this? I’d love the ability to trigger a pop up timeline entry when a playbook task or CTA closes, the same way that you can configure the timeline entry for health score updates from the Scorecard. 

@kate_wigglesworth I can think of so many use cases for this.  It would be fantastic! Maybe post it to the admin community-upvotes channel and see if we can get more traction.  

We would also love to see either/both:

  1. A timeline task type as described in the original post
  2. The ability to make adding a timeline entry required to either close out a specific Task or the CTA as a whole (through a pop-up or other similar functionality)