Enable GSID as a possible search criteria

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One of the customer(Blue Prism) has reached out requesting to make the GSID as a possible search criteria in the Global search when searching for companies. Currently we will not be able to search with GSID. Could you please check on this request and let us know if it is possible.

Hey @Amrith82 you can actually already do this, it just needs to be configured (note that my assumption is based on an NXT environment, I don’t recall if you can do it on SFDC but I believe you can).

You have to go to in the admin section for company>search configuration and find the GSID:

There you can select the field, set it up and save your config.

Thanks @bradley. cc @alizee  

@bradley and @anirbandutta 

Hello Bradley/Anirban,

The GSID is not an editable field in the Company search configuration. We will not be able to turn on the GSID field for searching companies. It can be added just to view the GSID of the company when searching with company name.

None of these answers addresses the issue at hand so leaving this open until someone tells us why it’s not possible or why Gainsight does not want to make companies searchable by GSID, when GSID IS the ID everything revolves around in your product. 

It just does NOT add up. . . . . . . . 😑

@Amrith82 You’re totally right, my bad. I remembered setting up the GSID as a field in search at a previous org but I guess misremembered and conflated the fact it worked as a display field with it also working as a search field.


Would you please check on this use case and suggest the customer here. Thanks in advance.

In addition to gsid, could we search by a formula field that is created directly in the company object. For example, to bypass the limitation of 4 (3 actually) searchable fields, I wanted to concatenate 2 of the string fields into 1, and then add a 5th one. I’m not able to add the formula field though as searchable. I suspect I will be able with a rule, but it is a lot more work. 

Came across this one today, searching by GSID for at least company/relationship records would be beneficial.