User Management - Edit Users Without Super Admin Permissions

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

I was configuring permissions for a team that will be handling our user provisioning going forward and there is currently no way to allow them to manage users without giving them super admin permissions which I do not want to do. They should have access to the manage users section only.

I tried assigning the permission bundle for navigation to the user management page but this only allows viewing and not administration. There should be a permission specifically for user permissions as there is for things like emails, surveys, etc.

@aschreiner We see that add/modify/delete users is more of the super admin functionality and others should only have view access. In your case, why don’t the team be provided super admin access if they are the ones who handles user provisioning. Trying to understand, on why the team should not be given super admin access, can you please elaborate?

@Kartheek the only function they perform in the system should be provisioning of users so giving them the super admin allows them (though we tell them not to) modify any data in the system they want. This is more of a security precaution to be able to remove the ability for subsets of users who have this permission.

We are having the exact same problem. 

The team who does the user provisioning work on a principal of least privilege access and this just isn’t possible in Gainsight. It’s definitely a concern for us

We have a separate team that provisions access to different systems, but it would be nice if they could also handle Gainsight provisioning via User Management without having all the powers that come with super admin access. I understand that this may be a niche request since the Gainsight admin(s) typically handles user management/provisioning anyway, but figured I’d throw in my two cents!