
How to track CTAs performance weekly ?

  • 20 April 2016
  • 1 reply

The operational report in Cockpit doesn't show the CTAs weekly-based and the filtering is just to difficult for our CS team leaders to use.

How would be possible to track CTAs opening/closing trend in a weekly basis? Reporting doesn't work because it is not possible to group CTAs by the date representing each week - we only have due and close dates which could be any middle-week day.

Case uses:

- Open/Close CTAs / CSM

- Open/Close CTAs / CS Team

- Open/Close CTAs / Type

- Open/Close CTAs / Reason





1 reply

Hi Bruno,

One tip is to create rules that will write the counts you're looking for into your Usage data table (either into the JBCXM__UsageData__c object in Salesforce or to your custom collection in the MDA). Then you can create any type of count you're looking for and combine it with other data more easily.

So after adding the fields to your target object, you would setup a rule that would follow this general outline:

'Setup Rule'

- Your source object is going to be the 'Call to Action' object

- Pull the 'CTA: ID' field into the Show box and put a 'COUNT' aggregation on it

- Pull the additional fields that you want to use for filtering into the Show box (like Status, Close Date, Open Date, etc.)

'Setup Action'

You can create one 'Load to Usage' action for each count you're looking to create

- So for the first action, you would map the 'COUNT of CTA:ID' to the right fields on the target object (and also map Account to Account)

- Make sure you're populating the required fields depending on your target object (i.e., you need to populate the Date value)

- Then in the action criteria, add the filters that you want to produce that count (i.e., Close Date is between X and X dates, Status = X, Type = X)

Then you'll report on this object and filter for your CTA counts.

