Re-usable filters across engagements, Audience, and Analytics

Related products: PX Analytics

We have many engagements and onboarding experiences that use similar filter criteria. For example, we want to filter several engagements by combinations of geography and by another custom attribute, with the geography being not just a single country but multiple countries that receive the same regional experience. The criteria are consistent across engagements and across our analytics, but users may match different elements of our criteria over time.

We would like to be able to create reusable sets of filters that we can maintain across Gainsight and import across a few areas, including:

  • Audience dashboard
  • Analytics reports
  • Engagements

Right now, every time we have to modify the criteria for these groups of users, we have to find every single place across several different areas of Gainsight. Given that we have dozens of engagements and are building out more reports, this is both a maintenance nightmare and extremely error-prone due to the amount of manual work and tracking of filter criteria usage: We 100% know that there are going to be engagements targeted at the wrong users or NOT targeted at teh right users.

Segments are similar to what we want, but the matching algorithm makes it impossible for us and the fact that once a user is matched on a given date they are there forever causes significant issues. If there is ever an error in the logic and users are incorrectly matched to a segment, the segment is made worthless. Similarly, if there’s ever a change to our logic, we have to actually recreate the segment from scratch to repopulate the user base. Furthermore, you can’t use Segments in many of the other places within Gainsight.

Definitely can understand / relate to the use case. We are looking to add more capabilities in. Q4 around filters and segments to expand their availability and usefulness.

Note that customers explicitly do not want the ability to use saved filters as engagement audience criteria because if that saved filter is changed, then:

  1. they can inadvertently make wholesale unintended targeting changes on existing live engagements (potentially affecting many of their users).
  2. dashboards/reports will immediately reflect the updated filter and show very different data when the user actually intended to instead create a new report with a different filter. Therefore, they would lose the previous report’s context and purpose.

Again, your use case stated above is valid, just requires more thought, workflow, and safeguards we look to as part of Q4.

Yes please. To use the analytics built into Gainsight PX, the filters MUST be accessible across the platform. Ideally segments created for engagements would also be filters for analytics and explorer tabs. 

Hello All,
Thank you for the feedback shared related to this topic. Happy to share that we’re looking to make Segments usable across PX Analytics and Dashboards in addition to the existing Engagements. The timeline for this is next quarter Q4,2023.