Guide Engagement Analysis - Change the Logic of "Completion Rate" Calculation

Related products: PX Analytics

Hi everyone, 

When checking the performance of guide engagements, we feel that it would be more useful to be able to observe the data as a funnel (on user level). In the current setup, we are able to see the total number of times each step was viewed and the “completion rate” is then calculated based on those numbers. In example:

  • let’s imagine that 10 users started the guide and only 1 of them completed it (saw the last step of the guide)
  • and let’s imagine that the mentioned user completed the guide 10 times (while the other 9 users started the guide only once and never completed it)

With the current setup, the “completion rate” of this guide would be calculated as:

  • (10 times completed)/(19 times started)=52,63%

And the question is - when estimating the performance, usefulness or design of a guide, are we more interested in this information or in the information about the share of users who started and managed to complete the guide (1/10=10% in the above example).

Just to add a screenshot of a silly situation related to the request:


And this could also be prevented if the funnel was actually representing unique users (like any other funnel) instead of “total views per step”. A funnel shouldn’t look like this :)