Restrict ability to delete Relationship record

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We are just finishing up implementation with nCloud and implemented business modeler. Our CSM team is able to delete relationship records. nCloud has shared that this is working as designed. We’d like a way to restrict this.

Adding more to this as it is quite outrageous. As an end user, I can go to the Relationships section on a C360 and from either the card view or the list view, I can very easily delete a Relationship:

The only warning I get is as follows:

As an admin, if I do this from Data Operations - which is performing the exact same operation - I have to select a bunch of boxes to prove I am confident I want to delete these:

Am I more educated to make this decision as an end user or as an admin? The risk here is insane, and in a 250-user org, somebody is bound to make a mistake. 

I’m not sure who “owns” Relationships in Gainsight product, but this is a big problem.  We were looking at potentially leveraging relationships in the near term but this is a deal-breaker if accurate (and I trust @gunjanm that it is)


@anirbandutta  @rakesh @minh_phan 

adding @gopal_rao_kallepu 

Thanks for sharing this @gunjanm
We are adding admin controls to this as part of the upcoming C360/R360 redesign.
Admins can control if end users can Create/Delete and Edit Relationships or not at the C360 layout level during layout configuration.


That's great @gopal_rao_kallepu is there an estimated timing? Beta testing opportunities?

The new C360/R360 experience will beta available in early May, 2022 @gunjanm . This is limited to NXT edition, please reach out to Gainsight(or message me on community) if you are interested in participating in the beta program.