Allow calculated GSID field to be used in JO program CTA Owner

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I have a longer running program that fires off a CTA to the CSM on the account. I learned recently that I cannot use a calculated field to ensure the CTA is being assigned to the new CSM on the account, if there was an account transition that took place during the time of the journey. 

Please allow us to use calculated fields in the CTA Owner dropdown for CTAs created from JO. This means that I will not be able to use the JO functionality to create the CTA and will instead need to use a Rules Engine.

We were just trying to build a scenario at PAL in the new JO and we wanted to use CSM GSID for the CTA Owner. Make it possible! CSMs change while people are going through the program and we need to know that we’re assigning CTAs to the right person.


+1, this just makes so much sense - without it Admins must create a number of calculated fields to ensure the email is sent from, or the CTA is assigned to the correct CSM.  If CSM assignment changes while the participant is mid-journey, I’m struggling to think of an example where we’d want the email to send from, or assign the CTA to the previous CSM.

The Company data is dynamic and features should make it easy to align with that flow.