Tip of the week: Utilize API's to update user preferences and re-subscribe users for emails

  • 27 June 2023
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Gainsight Rest API’s can help you to update user preferences in the attributes section of User profile.
User preferences often include guidedTours, onboardingBot, productUpdates, surveys, trackUsage and trackEmailAnalytics. You can update them manually for each customer or leverage api’s to update multiple at the same time.


In the previous article we discussed on how to give end user the option to enable or disable KC bot, but if you would like to manage the same by your end, you can follow the below steps to set ups to get started.

  1. If you would like to access rest api’s, you would need create an api key from PX to connect your instance and either get data or update data in PX. 
  2. Once you connect your PX instance, you can utilize the update user preferences section page to run the query of updating the users for whom you would need to update.


In the similar way we can also re-subscribe users who unsubscribed for our emails using the similar process. 

  1. You can see if the user has unsubscribed for emails while you are on audience explorer or user profile. Below image shows where to find the option in user profile. in this example it says false, but it is set to true then it means the user has unsubscribed.
  2. If we found that the user has unsubscribed accidentally or shared with their CSM, and wish to change it using api. Unlike user preference, we do not have the option to toggle this. Just like previous method, once we connect using api keys, we would need to update user in this scenario where the name of the field would be globalUnsubscribe.


Points to remember:

  1. If a user un-subscribes for email, it would be a best practice to connect with user and ask the reason for this action. If it was by accident or unintended you can turn in back immediately, but if the user if not interested in receiving the emails then it is recommended to make the user understand the importance of onboarding emails and also might be a good practice to not target the user from promotional emails for sometime.
  2. As per GDPR compliance few companies are required to ask for a consent to track the email analytics, please check with your compliance team to enable or disable this feature.


Where else this process can be leveraged?

  1. Updating user information such as role or title, which you are not able to send it in the identifier call, can be also updated using the api’s.
  2. Create userDelete user, Create/update account are also supported by this api
  3. Create custom event, change engagement status etc 


Happy PXing!

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