Allow for multiple aggregations on same field

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In some reports I may want to show the Avg, Min, Max of the same field in one report (by line).  Would be great to aggregate same field in multiple calculations.
Hello Denise, Let us jump on a call and you can explain the use case and we can see what can be done. Tx!
Big-time +1 to this. I find the need to see a count and count distinct of the same field pretty often, which would then allow me to spot discrepancies. Without this functionality, I have to do quite a bit more work to find this information.

+1, this would be super helpful

I’m also looking for this functionality. I feel like it should be relatively simple to show basic aggregations on the same field. Use case - I want to show the average of a field but it doesn't paint the full picture without providing our team the min and max of those fields to show if one may be adversely pulling up/down the average.

Yes - this is a really basic analytical function, and wonder how come it hasn’t been updated/worked on since first brought-up 4 years ago!