Notification to users

Related products: None

We would like to see an option, where the admin can setup a notification (pop up or small notification line) to inform users about issues or important changes in our GS instance.

This would prevent several users sending in support requests.


Hi @swen - this is something that Gainsight offers. Talk to your Gainsight Client Outcomes Manager about Enablement Engine which allows you to set custom in-app messages and instructions that are only visible to end users in your org.

@swen did @dan_ahrens comments find a solution to your query? Please let us know if you need any help here. You can also mail @dan_ahrens or me for more information. 

Hi @swen - this is something that Gainsight offers. Talk to your Gainsight Client Outcomes Manager about Enablement Engine which allows you to set custom in-app messages and instructions that are only visible to end users in your org.

@dan_ahrens Whhaa?? Thank you :)