No export option from Survey 2.0 Response Reports

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We can export data from survey statistics, but not the response reports. Work-around is to copy/past into Excel/Google Sheets, but the lack of this feature leaves me with a lot of requests for custom reports showing the same thing. I was hoping the Analyze tab would help eliminate the need but lack of ability to add custom fields to the tables and no export means we haven't really seen the additional benefits I had hope for.

@katie_b You ask is valid and we have already this in our road-map, will update you here once we consider this enhancement. As a workaround, you can also get the responses from Flattening report. Please refer this article for more information.

Always welcome for any help!

As we roll out Survey 2.0 in our organization, there is a very big need to have an export to PDF/CSV option for any given survey response.  Just like there is a View/Edit/Delete option, it would be great to have an export option as well.  File name can be Name of Survey - Account.extenstion.  Or something random, not picky.  

Any idea that the ETA is for this request functionality?

PS- @katie_b, never tried the copy/paste to excel just yet… I use Print then print it to ‘Save as PDF’ option.  Unfortunately that is not a good way either as PDFs are only visual and manual to analyze. 

Hi @katie_b just ensuring I understood your request right – you are looking for a way to export the charts/widgets in the Response Report as a PDF preferably, and not just the records as a CSV as already available in Survey Statistics. Can you confirm please?

@richa_bala We’d like to be able to export the actual survey responses, similar to how you can the survey statistics. Basically, an export of the flattened object, but that can by done from the Analyze tab instead of building reports on that object. Exporting the individual drill downs from the charts would be valuable too (ex. I click into my ‘negative’ CSAT responses, and export so I can take to a meeting or dive into additional info for those particular users/accounts). We can do these things on a dashboard, but that requires Gainsight Admin assistance, where this functionality would give end users more control over the data that they need just by us granting them permissions.