
Cleaning Up Email Bounce list and Email Validator

  • 11 March 2019
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 6
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As we continue to use Gainsight for Outreaches/Programs and Cockpit/Email Assist, we are running into a frequent situation where a participant has been added to the bounce list and then cannot be sent further emails through Gainsight - Journey Orchestrator or Email Assist.

However, using the Email Validator under Administration > Email Configuration, we can typically find the email domain as blocking, reporting our sends as spam, or other errors that aren't indicative of an email address that no longer exists. As an Admin, I have permissions to view results of the Email Validator and remove emails from the bounce list one at a time. Our CSMs do not have this permission so they encounter a roadblock when trying to send an email in Email Assist or determine why a contact did not receive an email from one of our Programs (typically an operational notification).

I can/have created a report of Hard Bounces and the message that was received (similar to email validator) but I can't take action in Rules (that I'm aware of) from this information. We also have a rule to create a CTA if all sends for a Program bounce at a given Account, which helps reduce missed operational emails and assists with contact clean-up -- but the majority of the time these are legitimate email addresses that are able to receive email from our other outbound systems that just have to be cleared from Gainsight bounce list.

Is there a better way to review and remove emails in bulk from bounce lists? Is there a way to provide view-only access to non-admins to the validator?

Curious of other strategies that are being used to clean-up and maintain email lists without too much manual work.

9 replies

Userlevel 7
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@abhishek_sivaraman - do we have any best practice guidance on automating these processes?

I agree - this is annoying. Can you let me know how you created the report? I've used AO Emails object but don't get the messaging unless I use the validator.

In addition, @dan_ahrens Gainsight needs to provide some help here. This is an error that I saw: 554 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using Barracuda Reputation;

Is this something that Gainsight needs to manage?

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The Object is Email Logs and the most important Show Field is Event Message.

We have an Email Automation Specialist from our Marketing Dept help us decipher the Event Messages - most of which are not concerning and can be clear from Email Validator.

As a quick follow up, we re-validated our bounces and resent the same email and the emails went through. This isn't scalable so I'm looking for help from Gainsight Support.

Any updates to this? I see this post is over a year old. Is there any new feature being planned? The most needed feature is to bulk remove a selection of blacklisted users.


“Very recently one of our [Gainsight’s] main sending IP's was flagged by a spam security website. This might've caused the issue you're seeing now. Good news though, we've been removed from that listing so we're healthy again. Remove the email address from the blacklist and try sending again. I think it should work.” All of my CSMs got added to the blocklist so I get to go through individually and remove them. Not the most efficient workflow. 

Userlevel 6
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Better yet, a much requested feature is to not have a global suppression in the first place, or offer the option for dedicated IPs. Our volume doesn’t really justify the need for a dedicated IP but the impact of a global suppression list warrants it. Customers should not have their deliverability impacted by others’ poor sending practices

Userlevel 6
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I totally agree @kelly. And while your volume may not require dedicated IP addresses, I think everyone’s volume should be increasing drastically over time. More and more companies are choosing to automate and leverage tech touch across all customer segments. There is a massive trend to build more digital campaigns so we need to be able to have more options here. 

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“Very recently one of our [Gainsight’s] main sending IP's was flagged by a spam security website. This might've caused the issue you're seeing now. Good news though, we've been removed from that listing so we're healthy again. Remove the email address from the blacklist and try sending again. I think it should work.” All of my CSMs got added to the blocklist so I get to go through individually and remove them. Not the most efficient workflow. 

We also experienced blacklisted IPs on Thursday night/Friday, which the IP is still blacklisted as of today. I asked support to clear any internal addresses that were blocked - would they be able to assist you there?
