
US Admin Office Hours (Tuesday session) - 6/9/20 1 p.m. PST - Pre-session Thread

Userlevel 7
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Hello everyone! This thread is for our Tuesday Admin Office Hours session, which will be held today - Tuesday, June 9, 2020. Submit your questions below as replies to this post, and we'll address them during our session at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET.

Please note we are using a new conference line. Details are below. There is no need to register for the sessions. If you have a question, please post below or join the meeting. I will go in order of posts below or joining the session. Thanks!

Conference Details (Zoom): 

Join Zoom Meeting

ID: 93972497920
Password: F7msaSQ3


‪(US) +1 877-853-5257‬

‪(IN) +91 0008000401530‬

11 replies


I’ve recently had several users indicating that they are unable to access Gainsight as they are not configured for SalesForce Lightning. The SalesForce team have configured the users for Lightning however, not everyone in our org has this configuration in place. Does Gainsight now require the SalesForce Lightning Experience? If so, when did this begin?

Could you explain using two diffrent querys for a JO Campaign, when we would re-sync one of the query would delete the participants in it. 

Getting score to 100


If time allows: Compare and contrast graph through Data Designer (Pie Chart)


I would also like to determine if there is a way for CSMs to override Scorecard via Timeline.

Badge +2

Hi Spencer, 

I have a question about the mixpanel connector in Gainsight. I have mixpanel access to our mixpanel project that  is connected. I’ve noticed some existing fields on the mixpanel projec when I’m looking at it in Mixpanel that are not available to add in the mapping on the connector. As in, when I select the drop down to map the fields in the connector, fields do appear, just not all of them. How do I get all of the fields to appear in the drop down? I think our TAM said something about making them available in the API but that would require a technical resource I believe?  Is that the only reason a field wouldn’t show? I have a meeting during tomorrow’s OH, but am going to try to make the last few minutes 


I would like to understand more about the Filter Criteria on Participants in programs settings. I have two programs for internal communication that I don’t know how to solve the problem that it is happening, both of them are triggered by CTAs.

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Hi Spencer!

We’re using the report below on the G360 to help us understand full user usage of the system. There are a couple questions on what activity counts as an “Active Day” and will be included in the “Days Active – Last 30 Days” count.

  1. If a CSM logs an email to Timeline using the BCC to Timeline feature, does that count as an “Active Day”?
  2. Can someone login and stay logged in all week?
    • Does that only count as one “day active” or would they be seen as active every day that week?
    • Would they have to refresh the tab each day for it to count the new day?
Badge +1

Hey Spencer, is there a workaround to be able to use a date field as a filter for email template variants in a program? Also, can I add a calculated field to existing programs to check to see if the contact is still the same? If a CSM changed the contact during the course of the program, I’d ideally like to start that participant back at the beginning of the program. 



Hi Spencer,


I recently took over the data ingestion portion of Gainsight for my company. I created a simpler way for us to send data to your S3 bucket for ingestion, and for testing purposes, I’m wondering if there a subfolder that I can use to send test data? I need to make sure our new system has the correct permissions to send data to the S3 bucket.

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Hi Spencer, 

Our CSA shared that the June release would allow more flexible configuration of graphical timeline elements in Adoption Explorer. I did not see that detailed in the formal release notes and my COM suggested I attend this session for added clarity around added config options in AE.  


Our current timeline aggregates data monthly and the axis label for each month just says April 1, May 1, June 1, etc. even though the data point is an aggregation for the month. This has been confusing for CSMs and customers who see a cut of the usage data. 

The CSA said that the new functionality would allow us to configure the aggregation labels in the axis to read more like May 2020, June 2020, etc.

Also, do you know if the release added the ability to toggle visible data points in AE?


Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@anna-whitehouse and @ml2019 - sorry we missed you yesterday. The thread for tomorrow’s office hours is up if you want to post your questions there.

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@spencer_engel thank you for reminding me, I fixed it! But now have more q’s . .  . lol will post there
