Ability to share NPS 2.0 with viewer users

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I’ve had a few customers ask for the ability to share the NPS 2.0 tab with Gainsight viewer users. This is not easily doable today.


In order to share NPS results currently, admins must recreate NPS analytics in the dashboard and share with viewer users. This is not ideal a) because the reporting already exists in Surveys / NPS 2.0 tabs and b) because you can not exactly replicate the NPS 2.0 reports in report builder.


To minimize admin work and recreating the wheel, it would be create if we could deploy Sharing on the NPS 2.0 tab (similar to Dashboard sharing) that would allow us to share the NPS analytics with viewer users. It’d also be great if we could export the raw data that is being considered for each report, but that is a secondary request.



@carolyn_dibuono Thanks for sharing your ideas, we will look into the possibilities and update here. 

Hi Carolyn,


Apologies for the delay. We have this in the near time roadmap. We will let you know once this is out.




Hi @vikram , do you have any updates here? We would like to enable NPS access to our execs, and eliminate the cost of rebuilding a full dashboard.

@ashleyunity and @carolyn_dibuono Though there is no direct way to share NPS 2.0 as of now, any user with at least “Viewer” type of access can access survey responses via C/R360

Hi,  I have this same use case.  My VP asked today if there was a way to push the reports to him instead of him having to log into GS to view a dashboard.  Ideally, most of the reports he’d want are on the NPS 2.0 tab, but as @carolyn_dibuono mentioned, it’s not easy to replicate them in Report Builder and since they already exist, it would be great to either a) be able to access them in Report Builder for further customization and sending in JOs or b) be able to share either individual reports or NPS tab as a whole via email.