Timeline Comments: Notification email "FROM" is not who tagged user

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Testing out the Timeline Comments (which our CSMs are going to love BTW) but I noticed that when you tag someone, the email shows up as if it was from whomever created the original Timeline activity, yet the Subject includes the name of the person who actually tagged the user.

More of a nuisance than anything, but it is a bit misleading. In the example above, Andrea may have no idea that Grace tagged someone. Also, Andrea doesn't work for Gainsight, which is how that reads.

Can it be modified to either

A) be FROM the person who tagged the user OR

😎 be FROM "Timeline (Gainsight)" <noreply@gainsight.com>

HI Jeff,

Thanks for bringing this up. We have a internal reference ticket for this and got it prioritised. I will update you once we get the fix.

Hi Jeff,

Could you please check once again. We pushed the fix to production.

@darkknight I recently started going through all of the pending questions. Was checking to see if this is solved? 

Please let us know if the issue still exists.