What would be the best/most efficient way for me to report on/access individual scorecard metric lab

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

Is there a way for me to add a lookup that would allow me to access the individual scorecard metric labels not just the current and previous scores? I'd only need the current label, not historical info. Or would this be better set up using a rule to load each metric to an individual field in the company MDA table? We are using Scorecards 2.0.

Use Case: We're trying to create an internal dashboard for CSMs to use when conducting internal strategy meetings with the sales team for that account. One place that would hold ALL of the info they need to discuss instead of jumping from the scorecard, to C360 to Timeline, etc. The ask is for a report showing the overall metric label (A-F) and then drill down into the data that feeds that score.

One example is a metric we've built off of Strategic Engagements, which we log as a select timeline entry. I'd want the dashboard widget to show 'A' for the Strategic Engagment Metric and then drill down to show any Strategic Engagement Activities logged in the last 6 months so we can click on them and navigate directly to the timeline if they want to discuss in more detail.

Hi Katie, very good question. As of today, we don't have an ideal way to solve for this, but I believe upcoming reporting enhancements within the next quarter or two will be able to significantly close the gap. I'll let @rakesh add more.

Meanwhile, you're more than welcome to show up to an upcoming Admin Office Hours session to brainstorm ideas.