Add Notes to Dashboards

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I could be missing it, but is there a way to add a notes field to the dashboards?


We have this in our own product, and it’s incredibly helpful to call out quick wins or point out high-level data points. It helps provide context or summarize a widget/report for someone like an executive who doesn’t spend all their time in Gainsight, allowing them to quickly glance at the data and immediately get what’s most important out of it. 


Something like a standard blank field that I could add multiple times to a dashboard, and edit it for each instance with the summary info I want to include.

@kleasure Thanks for bringing this up! it is a valid use-case. we have added this to our product backlog. 

@All, please vote for this idea, so that the priority will be increased. 

Great idea!


This would also be helpful to easily denote re-organizations or re-classifications of data. For example, if you were listing out all the CTA Reasons, and you re-organized / re-cast your CTA Reason list, it would be helpful to note that on a Report / Dashboard to explain why there’s a big shift in the CTA Reasons centered on a certain date.


Or if you re-assigned your customers among CSMs, being able to highlight the date that occurred on a Dashboard would be useful.


I think of it as a “Milestone for Reports / Dashboards”.