NXT version - CTA Attachments

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In the SFDC version of GS we have the following option: https://support.gainsight.com/SFDC_Edition/Cockpit_and_Playbooks/Admin_Guides/01_Configure_CTA_File_Attachments

to attach files to CTAs themselves. We would like this to be an option in the NXT version also in the playbook to attach files directly to a task.

Hi @cameron_wright this functionality uses a private SFDC Chatter group to post files, and as a result it’s not available in NXT. You can however attach files to a timeline entry for that CTA as an option. 


Additionally, we’re seeing more and more where online file storage services are being used (Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, etc) and the link to the folder or individual documents is added to the CTA comments instead of a separate attachment. This helps maintain better control over who has access to the document and version controls. 

Hi Team - 


We’re looking for something similar here - we have CTA’s where we want to attach a PDF and/or PPT to them for additional guidance (outside of the tokenized details or the playbook). I don’t think the end user experience will be as good if we just link to box, our internal drive location, etc rather than just attaching a PDF with the enablement content. 

@cnichols for your use case, would the document be something that is singularly focused on the CTA or would it be a document that would pertain to the Company or Relationship outside of the CTA? In other words, would it still be meaningful after the CTA is closed?


If you have an example of the type of document(s) you’d want to attach, that would be helpful too to help us understand the use case(s). Not asking for you to attach anything, but just describe the document purpose and the people that would need to read or access it. 

@dan_ahrens we have something similar. The team provides the customer a PDF of a “wrap-up”/ summary of the visit to the customer and they want to add it to the CTA for tracking (Sales to have visibility to what the visit was about).

They can link it to the timeline, but it is just another step.

To answer your question you’ve asked Cnichols above - for us, it wouldn’t matter if it was at the SP / CTA level. We could want to add the attachment to the Company level as well. Does that change the ability to add an attachment someone other than timeline? Thanks!

Got it, thanks for an example use case. Right now the best solution here is to use Timeline (which can also sync to SFDC activities for Sales visibility). 


We’ll keep an eye on the upvotes on this one to see how prevalent the use case is. Thanks for the suggestion!

One of the customers requested the zip file as an attachment in CTA using the timeline. Currently we are not supporting it. Could you please see the possibility of adding that zip file option as well.



Hi @katepalli for security reasons we don’t allow zip files as they could inadvertently contain malware. 

We have the same issue and a user case for our need would be to attach our customer contract, preferably in the Account Overview on our C360 Summary Page.  However, it would be helpful to be able to attach a document within a CTA or Success Plan Objective. 


Thank you,


It would be helpful for our CSM team to have this ability as well! Being able to add attachments to a CTA that is related to the task(s) they need to complete for the customer would keep all of the documentation in one place.