Would love the option to automatically remove a report from Global Filters

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I often need to remove a report from a Dashboard and we're heavy users of Global Filters. When I try to delete the report, it says I need to remove it from global filters first. This requires me to then navigate back to the top and click through each filter - find my report - uncheck it - click next and then save it. It'd be great if when I tried to delete the report it asked "Would you like to remove this report from the global filters?" and then allow me to remove it from all in the same motion. Would save quite a bit of time and make updating dashboards more enjoyable :-)

+100 Votes Up YES! I find there are more than a few opportunities in the Admin UI to simplify things such as this, great call out!

Thanks Keith for the upvote! What other opportunities do you see? Would be curious if they align with similar feedback I might have :-)

@kendra_mcclanahan any update on this? I’ve posted a few more ideas in the past few months along the lines of “Admin Quality of Life” stuff :)   I now find myself trudging through painful global filter disassociations as we swap reports out of dashboards… ooof.


@keith_mattes yes, there are improvements coming to filters with our new reports and dashboards currently in beta! I’m not sure it specifically solves this but it makes global filtering way easier! Bringing in @rakesh who can share more details or answer additional questions.

Yes Kendra, this is covered in the newer reporting