PX: Improve "unable to delete" Feature Messaging

Related products: PX Product Mapper

Hey Team,


I have a scenario where I’ve merged two rules into the same feature mapping, resulting in a feature mapping that is now redundant, and surplus to requirement.


When I go to delete the feature, I receive the error ‘The feature is being used within an engagement audience. Please remove and try again’.

It would be great to add to this messaging to let us know which engagement(s) the feature is used in, so the audience can be adjusted appropriately.  If I don’t know, I could be looking through 10s, if not 100s of engagements.

Similarly, if the feature is used in multiple engagements it would be useful to be able to bulk/mass edit engagements to remove/replace features from the engagement logic - doing this individually for 10s or 100s would be a bad UX!


I have the same problem. I actually went through hundreds of engagements and couldn't find any audience rules with the feature I am trying to delete. However, we have hundreds of archived engagements and I am afraid that GS considers those too when showing this error. I don't really want to delete archived engagements all together, but even I wanted to, I can't bulk-delete. So frustrating.

Hi @Stuart ,


We acknowledge this request and are already working on this.


