Congratulations, to our newly certified Admins from February!

  • 2 March 2021
  • 7 replies
Congratulations, to our newly certified Admins from February!
Userlevel 7
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Gainsight is proud to announce our newest group of certified Gainsight Admins! In February, 11 individuals passed the exam! Will YOU be next?! :smiley: 


Earning the certification represents a lot of hard work learning the ins and outs of Gainsight’s CS application! Typically, we recommend Admins take our free introductory elearning, followed by our instructor-led hands on courses, and then dig in with practical on-the-job experience before attempting the exam. 

If you’d like to learn more about the certification, click here

Hearty congratulations and welcome to the distinguished rank of certified Admins! We couldn’t be prouder!! :raised_hands_tone3:


@ Rebecca Fittro












7 replies

Badge +4

Congratulations to all of you!

Userlevel 7
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Nice work everyone! So happy to see some community regulars getting their official Gainsight Badge!

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And for those of us counting, this brings us to 196 customer Admins certified so far! Our goal is 300 by the end of the year! 

Congrats! Great job everyone!

Userlevel 4
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I believe I will attempt it one day, but want to be sure I have enough practice beyond the courses I already attended. 

@lila_meyer is there a simulator to check if I’m ready or not yet?



Userlevel 7
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Hi @Ester.Memoli our Study Guide is the best resource to help you prepare for the exam. It contains links to documentation and courses that the test is based on.

Userlevel 7
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@lila_meyer thank you for sharing the list.

@All, I am happy for you all!!
