Make a user "unlicensed" from "viewer" or "full"

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Right now - if a user has a permission added in GS, but we later remove the license and keep them active you cannot remove the “viewer” or “full”.


This is extremely misleading. We need to be able to reset a user to “unlicensed”. We apply our licenses via SFDC, so we will never be able to have more than our licenses applied but by not being able to switch users to “unlicensed” it seems as though we are overallocated when we are not

@nick_morris FYI - we have this issue which is why the numbers for the EBR were so off. Its really hard for us to track our licenses rn without having to combine multiple reports and do work outside of the system

Hi @andreammelde, we are working on this and will be releasing some changes in April and future releases which will help you track the correct number of licensed users in the system.