External Linking for Widget in C360 Summary

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We have a use case where the team would like to add a field into the Summary widget section that users can either: 1) click to navigate to an external site/document; or 2) scroll to a custom section (like how clicking Open CTAs scrolls to the Cockpit section). Additionally, it would be cool to be able to create your own widget that could be added to the Summary section. I know widgets can be created for reporting purposes, but having the ability to add to a Summary would be a nice way to vizualize some data.

Hi Kaycee,


This sounds interesting. Can you share a specific use case of this feature where it might be useful. It will be good to explore the possibilities of the same.


Thank you,


Hi Jitin,

We have an analytics tool that we pull some data into Gainsight, but not all. We currently have one metric in the Summary section, which would be nice for users to be able to click to go to the analytics tool for more information that isn't managed in Gainsight.

@kaycee we like your idea and we will add this to our road-map based on other customers feedback.

Thanks for posting!