C360 Horizon Report Scroll Bar Visibility

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I had a user ask me where some fields disappeared to because the scrollbar on Horizon reports in C360 is not visible until the user is actually in the process of scrolling. It is not clear that there are additional columns on the right. 


@gunjanm I guess this happens on Safari browser? For me on Safari, this happens on all other applications too.

@sai_ram @gunjanm :  I am using Chrome as my browser when it happens to me.  

This issue is also present on Horizon Dashboards when drilling into a visualization report.


@anirbandutta - it looks like this one never got the product manager’s input. 

@rakesh , @gopal_rao_kallepu could you pl acknowledge this feedback

Do we at least know if this is a bug or was this designed to work this way?

Sorry for the inconvenience @dan_ahrens and @gunjanm . `Showing scroll automatically` is unfortunately something that we can not control from the product side. The browser shows the scroll conditionally based on your system preferences. Below is a screenshot of the respective setting for Mac, setting this to `Always’ can solve the problem temporarily.

However, considering this might not be feasible for everyone we are working on identifying an alternate solution (Some indication at the header showing there are more columns to left/right).

Really appreciate sharing your thoughts here.

Sorry for the inconvenience @dan_ahrens and @gunjanm . `Showing scroll automatically` is unfortunately something that we can not control from the product side. The browser shows the scroll conditionally based on your system preferences. Below is a screenshot of the respective setting for Mac, setting this to `Always’ can solve the problem temporarily.

However, considering this might not be feasible for everyone we are working on identifying an alternate solution (Some indication at the header showing there are more columns to left/right).

Really appreciate sharing your thoughts here.

Can this be set in Chrome?  Will that be honored in a Salesforce iFrame?  This was not an issue before the Horizon version of the c360.

@gopal_rao_kallepu Are you aware of any such setting in Chrome? This issue is in Chrome too.