Ability to Select All fields in HA Reporting and Push to Show Me Section

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

I think it’d be an immense time saver to have the ability to click a button that selects all available fields for a report and pushes them to the “Show Me” box. This feature should be available for any area of the UI where fields are available for reporting: Report Builder, Data Designer (Explore Section), Rules, etc.


The current method for adding fields to the Show Me section is good if you only have a handful of fields you want to see, but any time there’s a need for 10+ fields, the number of clicks required just to see data starts to get out of hand. The same goes for building rules. Say I want to add a Transform to the end of a rule that has a large number of fields. Rather than clicking one button that would copy/paste all available fields into the Show Me section (and delete the one or two I don’t need), I’d have to click and drag each field over one at a time. 

Hi @puna.paahana  Thanks for bringing up this point. I would like to suggest below points that can ease up the situation you highlighted . (Not completely sure that this is what you were looking for and is not exactly what you asked for)


  1. You don’t have to always drag and drop a field for it to move into “show me”, If you double click on a field the field will move to “show me” section.( There is no such behaviour for moving a field to “group by”.
  2. You can also click on control/command to first select more than one fields and then drag them only once to move them under ”show me” section