Add a "Description" Section to Folder in Rules Engine

Related products: CS Rules & Permissions

Folders and subfolders in the Rule engine are a great way to keep organized. While working on some updated copies of rules I kept in a subfolder this morning, I had an idea that would help make folders even more useful for the tidy admin: stick a Description field on the folder and let us drop some helpful text in there. It could live below the “All Rules” header at the top of the Rule Engine window, right above the list. 


I’d find this to be an amazing way to remind myself what particular folders are used for, and it would be immensely helpful for collaborating in multi-admin orgs. Bonus points for potentially making life MUCH kinder on an incoming admin adopting an established org built by someone else (if they are kind enough to leave useful descriptions behind).


What do you guys think?

That would be great!!!
And I’ll add the capability of adding links with a custom display text as we can do here… Sometimes the description field is not enough or there’s a lot to unpack, and links provide the flexibility to reference documentation or other processes, for example.

100% on everything that allows for a “self-documented” instance.