US Admin Office Hours (Thursday session) - 04/15/21 - 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET - Pre-session Thread

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Hello everyone!

This thread is for our upcoming Thursday Admin Office Hours session on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 253 252 739

Password: 864010


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10 replies

Hi. I have 2 topics for tomorrow’s office hours. 

  1. I’d like to review the best practices for using SFDC Account Contact Relationship to populate Gainsight Company Person and Person ID. We have contacts that have different roles with different companies. So they may be a stakeholder at one company and a buyer for another. I’d like to discuss best practices around using this object and roles at different companies to populate Gainsight. 
  2. This is very specific use case but we have been capturing our NPS responses using Pendo. I have built a custom object and we have written code to populate the custom object. I then wanted to move the responses to a survey. Right now using rules engine I can only populate the NPS Survey Object.  This is fine but I wanted to have one survey that we could collect responses from Pendo in and responses if we choose to send using journey orchestrator to target different roles that wouldn’t receive the survey in-app using Pendo. I also like using the Flattened Repsonses for reporting and last but not least it is nice to have the ability to delete responses if they are tests or bad data. 

Thank you! 


user is not able to see view access. Is there a license I need to assign aside from the Viewer permission set?

Hi there! I have a specific use case question. I would like to identify Salesforce cases which have two product codes on QTC orders. The objective is to send a welcome email to customers who order both of the products at the same time on a single QTC order. Would the attached dataset logic make sense?  I can’t seem to pull any data from various dataset. Thanks!




Once a survey response is registered as “partial submission”, is there a way to re-open the survey for a customer to complete a survey? 


  • My CSM mentioned a workaround for getting communications from Journey Orchestrator to appear in the Timeline. She was unable to set up time to help me so she suggested office hours would be a good use.
  • Another timeline question - is there a way to get Timeline activity to appear in Salesforce activity and vice versa?
  • JO Analytics - I’ve combed the help articles but can’t seem to find anything related. Is it possible to create or pull a list of contacts who have clicked a link in an email?

Thank you!!

Userlevel 6
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Hello @Augusta Rice !  Good meeting you on the session today.


Here’s some info for you.


First, “Sync Timeline Activities FROM Gainsight TO Salesforce Tasks:


Next, configuring Sync Salesforce Tasks to Timeline:


Going to fire this off now, then find the Email Link Click Activity object and send a screenshot for you to tie off the questions in a moment!


Hi @sdrostgainsightcom - thank you!! We are on Salesforce Edition before you get too far on the Email Link Click activity object :)


Userlevel 6
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Whoops - thought you were on NXT for some reason @Augusta Rice - but either way, the object is the same: Email Raw Events

Filter it for “Event” = “Click” and you get all clicks.  Filter further for populated “Batch Name” to capture JO Program email events -- and Batch ID matches the JO Program ID (in the AO Outreach object in MDA) so that you can use Data Designer to pull together additional info besides just the Program Name.

Note: there’s no lookup in this table to get other Company info, or JO info, etc. beyond what’s there - it has to do with the type of table it is (can’t have lookups to other tables in it).

See my screenshot below - should get you started on setting up reporting on this!

Post here with any immediate questions - otherwise, have a good weekend and we’ll see you on future sessions!



Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hello @Bmeuchel -- 

Not sure if I’m answering the questions in #2 in your post all the way, but I think I understand what you are looking to do.

First, on having different NPS Surveys (one loaded from Pendo responses and one from JO w/Survey), you should be able to name the survey when using the Load to Survey action (you could name the survey “Pendo NPS Responses) as well as create a survey in Survey 2.0 for use in JO Programs. 

In NPS Analytics, and in Rules Engine, you should then be able to filter for 1 survey or another to isolate responses, etc. since the Survey Name is filled in.  

As for the flattened survey object, you are correct in that we don’t create a flattened object for Load to Survey NPS responses (we don’t know what the survey questions are, etc.)


I need to confirm a couple of these answers as of most recent release, etc. -- pretty confident they are correct but we are releasing a lot of enhancements in any given month, so by Monday I should be able to circle back.  Hope that helps!

Hello @Bmeuchel -- 

Not sure if I’m answering the questions in #2 in your post all the way, but I think I understand what you are looking to do.

First, on having different NPS Surveys (one loaded from Pendo responses and one from JO w/Survey), you should be able to name the survey when using the Load to Survey action (you could name the survey “Pendo NPS Responses) as well as create a survey in Survey 2.0 for use in JO Programs. 

In NPS Analytics, and in Rules Engine, you should then be able to filter for 1 survey or another to isolate responses, etc. since the Survey Name is filled in.  

As for the flattened survey object, you are correct in that we don’t create a flattened object for Load to Survey NPS responses (we don’t know what the survey questions are, etc.)


I need to confirm a couple of these answers as of most recent release, etc. -- pretty confident they are correct but we are releasing a lot of enhancements in any given month, so by Monday I should be able to circle back.  Hope that helps!

Hi @sdrostgainsightcom Yes that is helpful and was my assumption as well. Thank you for answering, I really appreciate it. I will proceed down the path I am on. Thanks so much. 
