Ability to delete a dropdown value

Related products: CS Data Management & Integrations

Why are we not able to delete a dropdown value we create that has no dependencies and no data associated with it?

Here’s a user story:

  • Admin creates a new dropdown category with values
  • Business stakeholders review values, and want to simplify before launch, so they recommend cutting down number of values
  • Admin cannot delete the dropdown values after they click “Add Value”
  • Admin must delete the entire category and start over again

Please give us the ability to delete a dropdown value that we add, whether we add it intentionally or by mistake.


Clarifying my user story above!

  • Admin creates a new dropdown category with values and “saves” the new dropdown category
  • Business stakeholders review values, and want to simplify before launch, so they recommend cutting down number of values
  • Admin cannot delete the dropdown values after a dropdown category is saved, even though there is no data associated with it and no dependency
  • Admin must delete the entire dropdown category and start over again

I’ve had a lot of issues with dropdowns recently… this functionality would for sure enhance both the admin & user experience.

100% needed. 

I need it too! Never noticed it was not possible till today, when I needed to remove some inactive unused ones :-(