Set custom close status when closing CTAs by CTA ID in Rules Engine

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Hi all,

As it stands today, when closing CTAs by CTA ID, the status of the CTA is closed under the default Close Status as it is configured within Admin > Calls To Action > Status.

As an  enhancement request, could users be able to select a CTA Status of their preference, even when closing CTAs by CTA ID within the Rules Engine? Are there any technical limitations that would prevent this?



@davebrown2242  and @matthew_lind 

Is the new “Update CTA” action not able to help you with changing the status of the CTAs? If yes, I would like to understand the scenarios that are not working for you.



I see your workaround, @mpatra . It’s a bit confusing and unintuitive that you can’t use “Close CTA” to close a CTA when you want to set a custom Closed status.