Support fields with JSON datatype in data designer.

Related products: CS Other Features

Hi Team,

Client (Goodlord) has an use case where they are preparing a data designer using AO failed participants as on of the source. The data designer is failing since some of the fields from AO failed participants are of  JSONSTRING type and resulting in failure.


Currently we are not supporting the fields with data type JSONSTRING type. Logging this post for the product team to review and enable this feature.

This is also true in Rules.  See ticket 215102.  It would be ideal if these records were available in the Email Log V2 object as failed so a join is not necessary.


Use case: I need to create a CTA for all accounts when an email is not successful in Journey Orchestrator for any reason (email bounce, opt-out, or failed prior to joining the list).

Support gave me a workaround for this: If we wanted to create a DD on these kinds of datatypes, you need to convert those JSON fields to String datatypes by using a Case expression, and then unchecking the original field names.

In Rules, the Case statement does not allow selection of these field types either.  The only work-around provided to me was to export to s3 and import back.

In Rules, the Case statement does not allow selection of these field types either.  The only work-around provided to me was to export to s3 and import back.

Elana’s workaround might work with Horizon Rules? I’ve also come across issues with the lack of ability to use the AO failed participants object and agree that a better solution should be available - even if the workaround works in Horizon Rules it wouldn’t work in a JO query (where I’d like to use it) for the same reason it doesn’t work in Bionic Rules today, unless you’re using a simple program.

My bet is it would work with Horizon Rules, since it’s utilizing Data Designer to prepare the dataset!