Survey: Progress Bar / change or remove the numbering of questions

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in order to inform the participant of a survey the progress, it would be great to either have a progress bar or to be able to change or remove the default numbering. This applies in specific for multi-page surveys.

The advantage is that they will be able to see when they approx. will be finished and not drop off the survey.




Hi Swen,

Thanks for bringing this up. We will add this in our roadmap.




Hi @vikram & Team, 

Can we any ETA on this request? It’s been pending from long time and few customers are looking for this feature. 




Hi @vikram & Team,


One of my customers was asking about this feature. It would be great if get an ETA on this.

Any updates? This is a basic survey functionality that should be accounted for. 

Any updates on the addition of a Progress Bar in the Survey experience?