
Managing Multiple Surveys in Gainsight

We are in the process of creating 4 different surveys for different teams:

1. Post Onboarding/Implementation experience

2. Post Instructor led Training session

3. Post Support Ticket closing

4. Post Transition - Unique project to move customers from old platform to new one

All these surveys will be conducted apart from our regular quarterly NPS surveys.

My questions are related to how GS manages all these 4 surveys.

1. Can we use same URL for hosting all 4 surveys ? I am assuming no (otherwise, how GS knows which survey is active at the moment during scenarios when multiple surveys are sent out at the same time). NPS has seperate URL

2. Where are these surveys results hosted in the data object ? NPS results are in NPS Survey Response Object

3. Is there a way to build a check to see if a certain customer has received a survey1 already so we should not be sending them survey 2 to avoid survey fatigue ? Building triggers etc

Any suggestions ?

6 replies

Hi Sainyam ,

  1. Yes, You can use same site URL to publish multiple surveys. Survey URL will have id=<Unique ID> which distinguish between surveys and participants.

  2. You can see survey response data in below objetcs :

    1. NPS Survey Response : To see only NPS response.
    2. Flattened object : For every survey a separate flatten object will get created after getting responses. Naming convension of this object is '<SURVEY NAME>-Flattened-<Survey Code>'. All Survey question responses will be flattened as single row for each participant.
    3. Survey User Answer : This internal object will have all raw responses, migh be dificult to create report on this object.
  3. Do you wants to sent 2nd Survey only after 1st Survey is responded ? OR Send 2nd Survey after responded OR not responded till X days after sent date ?
Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply Sekar,

These surveys are not interdependent as they will belong to different teams. The only thing we are planning to make sure, if there is a way we can avoid having cutsomer 2 surveys for 2 different teams sitting in their inbox to avoid having a fatigue. Otherwise customers wont respond to the surveys which is counterproductive and negates the purpose of surveying our customers.

Maybe for the above scenario, we are not stopping the surveys to be out but a control or notification or flag in place which lets us know that this cutsomer has been surveyed for a particular survey already X days ago.

For the Support Survey, we would like to setup a check in place where we are not surveying the customer if they submitted multiple tickets in X no of days.

Eg: Customer A submitted 3 tickets during Week 1. Ticket 1 got closed in a week and survey was sent (our survey is quite comprehensive and we are not asking them if expereince was good or bad., we will asking them about TSA performance, team performance, experience etc)

Ticket 2 got closed in the same week but we wont be sending them survey as customer has already reecieved it.

Ticket 3 go closed after X days, we will survey the same customer as it fulfills our criteria of surveying them after X number of days.

Userlevel 6
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I'll let engg comment but I think the only way you can do that is my exporting all the customers who have recievd the survey and adding that in the exlcusion list.

Userlevel 6
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@sainyam_sandhu : Near-term workaround idea: You could add a field to the contact/account and load the date of the last survey they received via rules. Then include that in the filters in the program. This would work brilliantly!

Long-term: Product is considering this as an enhancement. At this point, not sure when this feature will be delivered.

Userlevel 6
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For the Rules Engine: Use the Email Logs object:

1. Use the triggered date to calculate X days

2. Use template id/template name to identify the survey emails that have gone out.

@sainyam_sandhu  Hello, I’m working on building a post onboarding/implementation experience survey in Gainsight. Did you build the post implementation survey into an emplate? If so, who did you have as the sender of the email? 
