[Problem]Cannot Set Score 2.0 unless Scorecard is assigned to Customer?

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Currently it is not possible to assign or update the score unless it is assigned. It would be very great if we could set the score even if that scorecard is not assigned. Here goes the use-case for this ask-

Today, I use Scorecard A to measure health. I'm currently working on Scorecard B, which is a total revamp of measuring health. On the day of my launch to Scorecard B (let's pretend that's 1 April 2019), it's empty and has no history.

My request is to be able to Set Score on Scorecard A and also Scorecard B, perhaps in this example for one month. This way:

* for the rest of March, Gainsight continues to calculate and display Scorecard A

* for the rest of March, Gainsight is calculating (but not displaying) Scorecard B.

* when 1 April 2019 arrives, and we switch to Scorecard B, it has a month of history within, which immediately allows the CSM to see trending

As it stands today, you're essentially starting from a blank slate when you switch from A to B, and thus you don't have trending context for several weeks until the history builds in.

+1, this would be easily remedied if we could apply multiple active scorecards to a customer.

Tagging @aditya_marla for input on this one.

Hi Calvin,

What are the main use-cases you have for multiple active scorecards for an account (is it similar to what shiv mentioned when you want are implementing new scorecards? Or anything else?)

Hi Shiv,

Thanks for sharing this. If i understand correctly, you want to be able to see the scores which were set for Measure A for the previous scorecards as well (i.e if the current active scorecard is B , you want to the see the scored of Measure A from Scoreacrd B & Scorecard A - historical as well)? Is that correct?

Would the ability to view all the historical scorecards that were applied to the customers (in the 360 section) be helpful?