
Do Not Allow Journeys to Launch with Required Mappings Missing

Userlevel 6
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This week, I duplicated an existing program to make adjustments to the query. The existing program was logging the email activities to Salesforce.

Due to the changes to the query, participant fields had to be remapped however I hadn't realized that I also needed to remap the Contact ID -- a required field mapping in order to log to Salesforce. So while the setting to log to Salesforce carried from one program to the other, there was no indication that anything was missing and the program was still able to be saved [i]and published without this mapping. 

If a setting is checked off that has a requirement that is not met, the Program should not be allowed to be saved or published. 

11 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4
Good grief! 😞
Userlevel 7
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Hi Kelly, Since this working as expected, changing this to a question post.


Before redirecting this to our product team, let us see how does other customers need this functionality. Gathering the inputs from other customers for better results!


Userlevel 6
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Hi Sai - how is this working as expected? If someone checks off 'Log to Salesforce' and then they do not have a contact ID mapped - the program can still be published. My post is saying that it should not be allowed to be published if a setting has a required field that hasn't been mapped.

I do not agree with your reclassification as a question.

I agree with you Kelly, it is a issue!! We will address it in the short term roadmap.

Badge +3
Is this still on the roadmap for a future release? Still seeing customers get tripped up on this from time to time!

Userlevel 6
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@abhishek_sivaraman - any update here? Also, can this please be recategorized as an Issue? This is not a question. This is a real issue that cannot be addressed without republishing the program.

Userlevel 7
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@dan_ahrens can you elaborate on what Abhishek meant when he said "short term roadmap" 7 months ago? So we can align expectations.

Userlevel 7
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Hi Jeff, I'll let @abhishek_sivaraman comment with specifics, but one general guidance that we always provide is that until something is announced in release notes, it's always subject to change.

With the agile development and prioritization process that we follow, something that was intended for short term roadmap 7 months ago might have been reprioritized due to more urgent needs, or scope of effort of deliverables ahead of it might have needed to be adjusted thereby pushing out the time to deliver.

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the reply Dan, even if it is a stock PM answer. I can see where this response would be applicable to an enhancement request, but this really is an issue - Abhishek confirmed himself. It may be functioning “as designed” which put this out of contention to receive a bug designation, however it is a frustrating problem that really needs to be resolved sooner rather than later. 7+ months really isn’t acceptable.

Kelly - Just for your info, check out Dan's response about the experience of some customers with logging to SF:

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the reference Diane, however our circumstances require us to log the emails SF as well because our Sales reps (and other teams) don't use Gainsight but want to be apprised of any emails CS is sending. Yes, we're enabling the GS Account widget, but they do not want to have to go to two places to view the info.

PS Kelly and I are on the same team if you're wondering why I replied :)
