Include CTAs with No (Open) Tasks in TaskView Horizon Analytics

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This months update includes a return to Task View in Horizon Cockpit (yay), but unfortunately, in my testing, it does not include CTAs that have no tasks, or no open tasks (boo), thus requiring your end users to choose between two partial views of their overall task lists.



Can we find a solution where we include the next thing that is due in one list? While I’m happy to see feedback was taken into account to bring this back, it seems like the implementation missed the point.

I’m concerned users will over use Task View and neglect taskless CTAs, or closing CTAs once their last task is done.


I’m concerned users will over use Task View and neglect taskless CTAs, or closing CTAs once their last task is done.


Yes! @bradley  you’re spot on and this cannot be stressed enough. This update to the functionality essentially added another step to viewing tasks instead of adding a consolidated, easy to use view for end users.   So, you went from having to view CTAs and then click into each to view tasks… to now viewing tasks and having to remember to check your CTAs… its basically the same problem in reverse.  

I think what folks were actually looking for was the original, but good, way of viewing a list of your CTAs with the ability to expand and also see tasks… not this having to click between different views, regardless of where those views live.

+@sriram pasupathi 

We just moved to NXT, and our users (including me) are definitely missing the Cockpit configuration in SFDC that listed CTAs in order of the due date of the next task. The task list y helps except for 2 things: “Taskless” CTAs are not included, as mentioned here, but also there is no way to close a CTA from the task list. For example, when I close the final task in a CTA from My Tasks, then I have to go to My CTAs and close the CTA as a whole. Could we get an alert message that allows us to close the entire CTA?