Account as SCOPE in Funnel/Path Analyzer

Related products: PX Analytics

Hi Everyone,

With the current design of PX, we can only have either Session or User as a scope while creating Funnel/Path analyzer reoprts.

But most of the B2B companies would be having large amount of user base and it will be difficult to analyze the reports with User scope. So having the Account field as one of the scope, will reduce time and effort.






Many of our accounts have more than 1 user and we don't really care which user started some step in the funnel and which one ended it because we treat the account in general as "converted" if any of his users went through any of the steps, as long as the Account in total went through all of the steps.

I’ve heard a bit more about this request / use case from a few customers. A few things to add:

  • The time dimension for funnels would likely need to be extended as well in order to accomplish account-level steps in a Funnel. What Boris is referring to above would function a bit more like milestones.
    • For example, in PX, user 1 within an account may map the first features in Product Mapper (milestone 1), then user 2 within the same account may launch the first engagement (milestone 2). 
    • Another example would be a “large” workflow, such as making a PX engagement. There are multiple sets of steps that may be completed over multiple sessions before the engagement is launched. If I complete steps 1-3 in session 1, then come back 2 days later to complete steps 4-5, the Funnel would show me as a dropoff even though I did complete the workflow. 

Great discussion 

The building blocks to create more advanced funnels including account:

  • Tracking conversion for users or accounts means tracking a user field change. We have a feature in the roadmap that will generate an event based on user/account field change (Silver → Gold → Platinum)
  • Another feature in the roadmap is having daily calculated metrics which can be user or account

This will allow building funnels that incorporate a state change and aggregated values on an account level. Since account means an aggregation of data and not a singular event.

Any news about these features when we could expect them in the production?

We are facing this challenge on a daily basis now and we are “hacking” it via 3rd party app or by losing time merging several exported excels into one.