Custom notification email templates

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It would be a really great feature enhancement to our notification system to allow for custom email templates. Has there been any thoughts to adding this as an additional configuration option in the notifications page under Administration? A spot where the Gainsight admin can select which template is to be used? 
What would a custom template allow for?  What kind of customization would be allowed?  Is it to improve look and feel or change the data on the notification (assume we are talking about Notifications for End Users - CTAs, Tasks, etc.)?
The specific things my team would like is the ability to put the account name in the subject and links directly to CTAs or at least to accounts that CTAs belong to.
I would like to be able to define sections of an email that essentially show our CSMs, "here are some CTAs that you should really pay attention to".

If they don't check their Cockpit regularly, or if they aren't thoughtful about how to sort & group it thoughtfully, then I want to be able to make it impossible for them to miss CTAs that they would want to see, or that management really wants them to see :-)

I imagine that I would configure sections along the lines of:

  • New CTAs

  • Overdue CTAs

  • CTAs that are especially important or flagged

  • CTAs for customers with high ACV
Scotty makes a good point about providing not just links to the cockpit in general, but links to the specific CTAs that a CSM would see in the email.
Ideas from other threads include:

I just found the template that Gainsight is using and was able to edit it and get what I needed. 
Nicely done!! Could you share some details about where you found it?
So your admin should have access to the copilot. In there, I found a trigger called Past Due CTAs and the template connected to that. From there I was able to work with the Gainsight SME to get what I needed added. 
<sobs quietly>