Standardize in-app references to Customer 360 and C360

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Product marketing uses the names Customer 360 and C360 to refer to this feature. However, in the application itself, it's still called "Customer Success 360," or "CS360". 

Can we standardize all the references in the app to drop the 'Success' or 'S' in the names? Recently, "CS360 Layouts" was introduced as a sub-tab under Administration. 

This would make it easier for our product docs to consistently use the preferred/current terms. 
+1 to this. I can't tell you how many times I've searched for "C360 layouts" in Administration only to have the search come up empty before I realize it's labeled "CS360 layouts." My customers have had this happen to them plenty of times as well. Not an enormous problem but certainly tedious.
Totally agree Lila.  I like C360 (which how we in practice refer to it) - drop the "S" campaign is good with me
Thanks, everyone. I'm submitting this request to support, so it can get into Jira and be assigned...
Totally agree on it getting consistent. 

I have seen that the team, in the various posts here and chatter from the US, refers to it as C360. And, months back while finding the feature to tag to a task I couldn't find CS360 only to find that in JIRA it is 'C360' too.

Although, with the engineering team here, it is 'CS360' which is synonymous to the CustomerSuccess360 feature.

'C360' is good in terms that it has one syllable less than 'CS360' making its pronunciation faster and simpler when compared to 'CS360'

On the other hand, 'CS360' is good as it very well captures the acronym for 'CustomerSuccess360'.

Hence I would vote for the latter to prevail.

Nevertheless, I too want that we decide on being consistent on one. It would make branding easy and the so much needed consistency.
Truthfully, I always call it the Customer 360 (even though our interface shows Customer Success 360) because it indeed is everything about the Customer so calling it that makes sense to me.
I think this has been addressed in the app. It looks like Admin > C360 Layouts is the current tab name, and the page name is Layout configuration. Assuming there are no more in-app references to CS360, we can update our docs accordingly.